Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) are recruiting 800 Artisans for vacancy posts. The vacancy details are mentioned below.
Name of the post and vacancies:
Fitter - 285
Machinist - 245
Tuners - 164
Welder - 59
Electrician - 37
Blacksmith - 5
Carpenter - 5
Total of vacancies - 800.
(UR- 400, OBC- 216, SC-128, ST- 56)
Upper Age limit: 27 years as on 01.09.2013.
Qualification: Matric / SSC with National Trade Certificate (NTC) and National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) in the respective trades of Machinist/ Turner/ Fitter/ Blacksmith/ Welder! Carpenter! Electrician with not less than 60% marks for General and OBC candidates and 55% for SC/ST candidates, in both NTC and NAC. Working knowledge of Telugu is desirable.
Application fee: For General/OBC Rs. 125/- (non-refundable)
** No fee payment for other than General/OBC candidates.
The application fee can be paid in any branches of State Bank of India, into Power Jyoti Account No.32838381735 at Ramachandrapuram 502032, Medak (Dist.) (Branch Code No.10689) in favour of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Ramachandrapuram, Hyderabad.
How to apply:
1. Candidates who are interested to apply for posts, First download the bank challan form from the website or click on the link given below. Pay the fee amount in SBI bank to above accnt details.
2. The journal no. given in the bank fill in the application, while filling the application form and submit.
3. Candidates should download acknowledgment slip from the website.
4. Candidates should send their Acknowledgement slip along with BHEL bank challan copy, cast certificate of SC/ST/OBC, Medical certificate issued by medical board (person with disability only), Letter issued by the Directorate General of Employment and Training, Experience certificate for claiming age relaxation to the address given below.
Post Bag No. 9,
Mukhya Dak Ghar,
The letter should be sent by Ordinary post only, Superscribe the envelope with the word 'ARTISAN' and provide your mailing address.
Important dates:
Commencement of On-line submission of Application
Closing of On-line submission of Applications
Last date for receipt of Acknowledgement Slips along with other
documents at BHEL Hyderabad
Last date for receipt of acknowledgement slips from far flung
areas at BHEL Hyderabad
Downloading of permission slips from website w.e.f
28.10.2013 onwards
Date proposed for Written Test (Tentative)
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