Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) is a group company of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, and operates a 3.0 MMTPA capacity petroleum refinery located at Numaligarh in Golaghat district of Assam.
NRL is looking for energetic and dedicated candidates for recruitment for posts of Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) in Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Metallurgy, and Officer in CSR.
Name of posts and Vacancy details:
Nos. of Vacancies (Aprox.)
GET (Chemical)
11 nos
GET (Civil)
02 nos
GET (Mechanical)
02 nos
GET (Metallurgy)
01 no
01 no
Educational qualification:
GET (Chemical) : First class Degree in the discipline of Chemical Engineering having minimum 65% marks in aggregate.
GET (Civil) : First class Degree in the discipline of Civil Engineering having minimum 65% marks in aggregate.
GET (Mechanical) : First class Degree in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering having minimum 65% marks in aggregate.
GET (Metallurgy) : First class Degree in the discipline of Metallurgical Engineering having minimum 65% marks in aggregate.
Officer (CSR) : Post Graduate Degree or its equivalent (2 years full time) in Social Work/ Social Welfare / Rural Development/ Rural Management, from AICTE/ UGC recognized institute/ university/ deemed university.
Upper age limit: 30 years as on 01.10.2013
Selection processor: The selection process shall consist of Written Test and/or Personal interview of shortlisted candidates. “NRL Management reserves the right for not to hold the Written Test against any vacancy, if the number of applicants are less.”
The offer of Appointment shall be issued to the suitable candidates in the order of merit and based on the number of vacancies.
How to apply: Candidates will be required to apply through NRL websiteonly: No other means/ mode of application shall be accepted. Website will be opened from 1000 hrs on 18.09.2013 to 2400 hrs on 04.10.2013.
After submitting online application, candidate is required to download the Application Form, which generated by the system with unique registration number, and Space for photograph and signature and other details. The candidate has to send one print out of the Application Form duly signed and affixing latest passport size colour photograph and copies of testimonials/ documents which are mentioned in the notification to the following address:
Sr. Manager (HR),
Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL)
122A, GS Road, Christianbasti,
Dispur, Guwahati – 781005.
The application form and the attested documents are sent by the Ordinary Post in a sealed envelope super scribed "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF "_____________________" to above address.
Important Dates:
On-line submission of applications commences
18th September, 2013 at 10: 00 hrs.
Closing of On-line
Submission of application
4th October, 2013 at 24:00 hrs.
Last date for
receipt of copy
of Downloaded Application Form with all attachement
21st October, 2013
*** ALL THE BEST ***
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